Medigrow Africa is a formal network of legal African cannabis growers producing international grade medical cannabis products for global distribution.
It is our vision to produce European-quality medicinal cannabis with an African cost base.
Our mission is to give as many people in the world access to medicine from the cannabis plant, and to benefit as many Africans as possible through the establishment of a medicinal cannabis industry in Africa.
For our customers: Medigrow Africa brings exceptional African medicinal cannabis products to the global market by combining global best practice and technical resources with traditional local knowledge and Africa’s favourable climate to grow the highest standard of cannabis.
For African regulators: To provide governments, where required, with insight, consultation and expertise in appropriate licensing conditions, implementation of the legalisation, pilot projects and production of medicinal cannabis, while paying attention to:
· Country specific development strategy and policies
· Country specific legislation
· Cultural and tribal factors
· Access to finance
· Logistics and marketing environments
· Training and skills transfer
We offer these inputs to Governments in exchange for being part of the first round of licencing.
Whereas all other industries tend to congregate around the cities, the medicinal cannabis industry is better suited to the rural areas. In addition, we employ mostly women – often in areas where there are no other formal employment opportunities.
Indigenous knowledge is highly valuable to Medigrow Africa and is nurtured and maintained.
Medigrow respects human rights, the rule of law, justice and equality. Therefor we aim to fully align with the United Nations Agenda 2030 (the Sustainable Development Goals).
The Global Cannabis market is booming through legalization, declassification, research, entrepreneurship and broader social acceptance. Africa is no different, which is evident in the number of countries that have legalized medicinal cannabis production recently.
Medigrow envisions Africa as the “centre-court” of future cannabis cultivation. We can see the beginnings of a new legal/formal industry and consequently new means of income, especially in rural areas around Africa. In the longer term we are convinced that the African Cannabis Industry can help bringing steady income to many people that lack work today, assist in building up infrastructure, and blur social stigmas while providing world-class medicinal cannabis to the globe.”
Our underlying environmental philosophy is continually to investigate ways to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.
As part of Medigrow Africa’s intent to maximise the return on every hectare of cannabis, we are particularly mindful of the possible impacts of our operations on the use of natural resources and strive to minimise our impacts through efficient use in a responsible and sustainable way and through committing ourselves to continuous improvement.
We strive to comply with all applicable in-country environmental regulations. Furthermore, we are investigating a range of initiatives to preserve ecosystem integrity, protect biodiversity and enhance agricultural sustainability.
Corporate Governance
Medigrow Africa applies sound corporate governance structures and processes, which the board considers pivotal to delivering sustainable growth in the interests of all stakeholders. Medigrow Africa’s values-driven culture and code of ethics underpin its governance structures and processes, committing the company to high standards of business integrity and ethics in all its activities. Governance structures and processes are reviewed regularly, and adapted to accommodate internal developments and reflect national and international best practice.
The board considers corporate governance to be a priority and endeavours to go beyond minimum compliance where appropriate. The board will therefore consider all new non-statutory corporate governance concepts carefully and will implement them if they are deemed to be in Medigrow Africa’s best interests. The application of governance requirements should facilitate, not detract from, the directors’ ability to execute their statutory and fiduciary responsibilities, and their duty of care and skill.